  • Enter: evaluate input
  • Ctrl+Enter: check input but do no evaluate input, e.g. b+b stays b+b. Note that assignments are always evaluated, e.g. a := 5
  • In an empty row type
    • space bar for previous output
    • ) for previous output in parentheses
    • = for previous input
  • Suppress output with a semicolon at the end of your input, e.g. a := 5;

Static row references insert text from another row, so your input is changed.

  • # inserts the previous output
  • #5 inserts the the output of row 5
  • ## inserts the previous input
  • #5# inserts the input of row 5

Dynamic row references use text from another row, but don't change your input.

  • $ inserts the previous output
  • $5 inserts the the output of row 5
  • $$ inserts the previous input
  • $5$ inserts the input of row 5


  • Clicking a button in the toolbar applies a command to the currently edited row
  • You can select part of the input text to only apply the operation to this selected part
Zuweisungen und Verbindung zu Geogebra
  • Assignments use the := notation, e.g. b := 5, a(n) := 2n + 3
  • Variables and functions are always shared between the CAS view and GeoGebra if possible. If you define b:=5 in the CAS view, then you can use b in all of GeoGebra. If you have a function f(x)=x^2 in GeoGebra, you can also use this function in the CAS view.
Vereinfachen (Simplify)
  • Simplify[ exp ] groups powers within terms, and then groups similar terms.
    • Simplify[ 3a + 2a ] returns 5*a

Problem: `(2+2/3)*5`

Auswertung von 2+2 möglich (? Warnung ?)

Löschen von Variablen
  • Delete(var)
  • Leerdefinition? a:=
Statische und dynamische Referenz
  • Prozent verus Kanalgitter
Numerische Auswertung
  • Numeric[ exp ], Numeric[ exp, precision ] tries to determine a numerical approximation of the given expression
    • N[ 1/2 ] returns 0.5
    • N[ sin(1), 20 ] returns 0.84147098480789650665250417564626038175641085
  • Expand[ exp ]expands the given expression
    • Expand[ (x-2) (x+3) ] returns x^2 + x - 6
  • Factor[ exp ] factors the given expression
    • Factor[ 2x^3 + 3x^2 - 1 ] returns 2*(x+1)^2 * (x-1/2)
Gleichungen in einer Unbekannten
Gleichungssysteme in zwei Unbekannten
  • Solve2[equation1, equation2] solves two equations for x and y
    • Solve2[x + y = 2, y = x] returns 1_1
  • Solve2[equation1, equation2, var1, var2] solves two equations for var1 and var2
    • Solve2[a + b = 2, a = b, a, b] returns 1_1

Schrittweises Umformen
  • Equations are written using the simple Equals sign, e.g. 3x + 5 = 7
  • You can perform arithmetic operations on equations, e.g. (3x + 5 = 7) - 5 subtracts 5 from both sides of the equation. This is useful for manual equation solving.

You can use the Solve toolbar button or Solve command to solve equations.

  • Solve[ equation ] solves an equation for x
    • Solve[ x^2 = 4 ] returns {2, -2}
  • Solve[ equation, var ] solves an equation for the given variable.
    • o Solve[ 3a = 5b, a ] returns {5b / 3}

Solve nach x und y liefert eine Liste - ist nicht günstig (besser: Solutions)

Wenn nach Umformung substituiert wird, ergibt sich ein Fehler.

#1 - 4*(#2) Vereinfachen führt zu

(4 x + 5 y = 7)-4*((x - 2 y = -8)), Sorry, something went wrong. Please check your input.

Bem.: Hier sollte

  • Vereinfacht werden
  • keine doppelte Klammer kommen
  • Die Eingabe #1 -4*(#2) noch irgendwo zu sehen sein
  • Adding equations, e.g. first row: 3x+6y=7, second row: x-y=2, then you can use $1 +6 $2 to add the two equations ($1, $2 are dynamic references to the first and second row). If you also want to draw the equations, you can label them, e.g. first row a: 3x+6y=7, second row b: x-y=2, then add them in the third row using a + 6b
  • Solve and Solutions: Solve[x^2=4] returns {x=-2, x=2} while Solutions[x^2=4] returns {-2,2}
  • For convenience, the following input is automatically rewritten:
    • a:= is rewritten as Delete[a] and deletes/unbinds variable a
    • 2+2= is rewritten as 2+2 by removing the trailing =
    • f(x)=x^2 is rewritten as f(x):=x^2
    • Note that a=3 is no longer rewritten as a:=3 to allow equations of this form too.
Funktionenlehre, Differential und Integralrechung (Calculus)
  • Limit[ exp, var, value ], Limit[ exp, var, value, direction ] tries to determine the limit of an expression.
    • Limit[ sin(x)/x, x, 0 ] returns 1
    • Limit[ 1/x, x, 0, Left ] returns -Infinity
  • Sum[ exp, var, from, to ] finds the sum of a sequence
    • Sum[i^2, i, 1, 3] returns 14
    • Sum[r^i, i,0,n] returns (1-r^(n+1))/(1-r)
    • Sum[(1/3)^i, i,0,Infinity] returns 3/2
  • Derivative[ function ], Derivative[ function, var ], Derivative[ function, var, n ] takes the derivative of a function with respect to the given variable. If no variable is given, „x“ is used.
    • Derivative[ sin(x)/x^2, x ] returns (x^2*cos(x) - sin(x)*2*x) / x^4
    • Derivative[ sin(a*x), x, 2 ] returns -sin(a*x)*a^2
  • Integral[ function, var ], Integral[ function, var, x1, x2 ] finds the (definite) integral of a function with respect to the given variable
    • Integral[ cos(x), x ] returns sin(x)
    • Integral[ cos(x), x, a, b ] returns sin(b) - sin(a)

The following commands are symbolic equivalents to existing numeric GeoGebra commands, or they are direct mappings to MathPiper commands.

  • GCD[ number, number ] gives the greatest common divisor of two numbers
  • LCM[ number, number ] gives the least common multiple of two numbers
Einbettung in Lernumgebungen