
Plugin: FontSize2

Diese Dokuwiki-Erweiterung dient zur Einstellung der Schriftgröße


Change the fontsize by clicking a button in the edit toolbar.

To change the fontsize, mark the text that you would like to change the size.
Then click on the button fontsize2 and choose one of the predefined sizes.

The result is: <fs yoursize em> Your own text</fs>

Alternative you can write this by yourself.
In this case you have some additional possibilities:

  • em - <fs 2em>Your own text in 2em</fs> Percent-Value 1em = Normal, 2em = double size
  • ex - <fs 2ex>Your own text in 2ex</fs> Percent-Value 1ex = Normal, 2ex = double size
  • % - <fs 200%>Your own text in 200%</fs> Percent-Value 100% = Normal, 200% = double size
  • px - <fs 12px>Your own text in 12px</fs> Not so good! px values may vary on different computers!
  • keywords - xx-small , x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large - <fs small>Your own text in small</fs>


  • ex - <fs 2ex>Your own text in 2ex</fs> Percent-Value 1ex = Normal, 2ex = double size
  • em - <fs 2em>Your own text in 2em</fs> Percent-Value 1em = Normal, 2em = double size
  • % - <fs 150%>Your own text in 150%</fs> Percent-Value 100% = Normal, 200% = double size
  • px - <fs 36px>Your own text in 36px</fs> Not so good! px values may vary on different computers!
  • keywords - xx-small , x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large - <fs x-small>Your own text in x-small</fs>

Quelle und weiter Hinweise

Das Plugin FontSize2 stammt von Thorsten Stratmann